2017 Events

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Click on the photo beside the event you wish to view.  You should see an album of photos.

Promotions (Reg Class) - 1/2017
Advancement Testing
Promotions (Kids Class) - 1/2017
Advancement Testing
Event - 2/18/2017
King George Winter Shiai
Tournament - 4/22/2017
Select photos from the King George Open
Event: Photos from Sensei Diven Memorial Garden

Event - 7/15/2017
Hanshi Phil Little Seminar hosted by Hanshi Hovey and Sensei Kline
King George, VA

Event - 8/18-8/20/2017
Hanshi Hovey and Sensei Kline hosted Camp Hovey-Kan 2017 in King George, Virginia

Event - 9/9/2017
Our dojo had 3 competitors and 3 judges attend the Mid-Atlantic All Female Karate Open in Landsdowne, Md.

Event - 9/25/2017
Our dojo had a break-night. Click the photo on the left for photos.

Event - 10/21/2017
Our dojo gave a demonstration at the 2017 Dillsburg Farmers Fair.

Event - 10/28/2017
Our dojo hosted our annual Shiai. Master Crimmins received the Grand Instructor of the Year award at this event!

Promotions - 11/13/2017
Our kids were tested and received promotions. All did a great job. Click the photo to see an album of photo.